 Homebrewn ROMs
  Atari 2600 Demos
  NES Sounder
  Flux, 6502 Emu
 ROM Hacks
  *Mega Mario Bros.*

Below are new IPS patches for my oft-requested Super Mario Bros. hack, Mega
Mario Bros. This hack was done between 5 and 6 years ago and was never
completed. Though the levels were hacked with Mario Improvement, it has
several features that were rare or non-existent in hacks at the time. The
game features hacked levels, a slightly different new fireball physics,
altered music, and strange two-path level scenarios.
v0.05 is the last version that I have a copy of. v0.06 was lost in a hard
drive crash, after which development was halted. This new patch is designed
for the good dump of Super Mario Bros. That is, the one with the title screen
and no trainer. Since Mario Improvement would only work with the ROM that had
the trainer, I had to put in a minor amount of work to make this new patch
work with the good ROM, which is why it has not appeared until now.
- v0.01: World 1-1 some Edited (private)
- v0.02: World 1-1 Edited
- v0.03: Worlds 1-1 some 1-2 Edited
- v0.04: Worlds 1-1~1-2, Sound, Programming Edited
- v0.05: Worlds 1-1~1-2 some 1-3, Sound, Programming Edited, Trainer Removed
- v0.06: Worlds 1-1~1-3, Grafx, Sound, Programming Edited, Trainer Removed
ROM Hacking: MEGAߥTE
Beta Testing: Deezer, Phaythe, Pikachu
MI programmed by: _Demo_, Pikachu
Info docs by: zsKnight, Benzene